Friday, December 15, 2017

Class Evaluation

one thing i like about this class is all the new things that i have learned about computers. for example all the websites that we have learned about and use like scratch and i like being able to use computers for a whole class. i also like all the decorations around the class. i also like how it is easy to pass this class as long as you do your work.

one things i don't like about this class is not being able to choose were i sit. another thing is that we don't get to much free time to do what we want on the computer. another thing is when i am moved because of someone else's mistake.

one thing that can make the class better is having more free time. everything else can stay the same because the class  is fine how it is. 

a highlight for me in this class would be when i used scratch and figured out how to put a song from a game i play with code. another is being able to use the hour of code.

I feel as if i could have done even better in this class but i should be satisfied that i have an A in the class. other than that i probably could have written more in my goals journal.

some days i forget two look and write in my journal that is why i said that i wasn't doing my best because i could have put even more goals into the journal. as for the journal part some times i couldn't think of anything to write.

I don't think i am a fully a ctr person because i don't do everything i should.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The 7 habits of highly effective people

Habit 1: Be Proactive

"Habit 1 is key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says,"I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of destiny, not just a passenger."
Being proactive is important because the opposite would be lazy and being lazy is a bad thing. when you are proactive you don't wait for things to happen you make things happen. you are prepared for things even before they happen. when you are prepared you are less stressed about everything in turn helps you to do better at everything.

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

"control your own destiny or someone else will" Jack Welch
Whenever you start something you should always have some thought to the end. If the end is not in mind you will be less likely to finish what you are doing. If you know were the end is then you know were to over achieve if you want to. when you have a clear vision of the end you know not to slack off. 
Habit 3: Put first things first

"Organize and execute around priorities"
you should always do the things you get first before anything else because they are of a higher priority and should be done right away. It means that anything that has a high priority should be done first it wont always be the first thing you get but it will most of the time.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
You have to think you are going to win if you stand a chance at winning. When you think that you will lose you will end up losing because you didn't believe in yourself. Visualize your win and the path that you will take to win and then walk that path to achieve what you set out to do. when you can see your goal it becomes much easier to accomplish it and set out on your next goal.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

you have to be willing to understand others before they can understand you. understanding others will help you to work with them and thus be more effective in every day life. understanding someone will make them want to understand you. if you understand a group you have to work with then you will be able to finish everything faster while you work together. you can not hope to be understood if you don't take the time to understand anyone else.

Habit 6:  Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"

working together is essential for most things that are important, even if it doesn't require teamwork it can be made easier by it. By having multiple people work on the same task you can have it finished faster and better. when people come together they can accomplish anything they put there mind to which can be both good or bad. when people bring all there experience together is when they synergize.

Habit 7:  Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional

eating right is important for your physical health also exercising and getting enough rest. you fell more alive when you have the perfect amount of these three things. you can do a lot more when you have good health you are also more likely to improve in everything that you do. improving your learning will help make everything easier later on. when you improve your knowledge you can understand much more that you could before. you must make a effort to communicate with others often and not seclude your self. you will not know how to talk to others without practice.

Reflection: All of these habits are important because if you have them everything becomes a lot easier to do. the seventh habit was very important because it had four important parts to it. all the parts were important on there own and together. it is important to he healthy physically and mentally but the your social and spiritual parts are important to because all four of the dimensions of renewal make you who you are depending on if you are good in those dimensions or not.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Importance of setting goals

goals are important because without a goal set you wont know what to do or what to archive and surpass. when you have many goals or any at all you are more determined to accomplish them rather than not having them in the first place. setting multiple goals is important so you always have a goal in mind that you plan to accomplish. It is important to set a goal that is achievable or you will only be following a dream. making your goals realistic gives you a better chance at accomplishing them. always plan out how you will archive your goal or you might not get to accomplish it.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

medical school

  1. University of California, San Francisco
  2. The UCSF School of Medicine encompasses facilities at 11 sites throughout the city of San Francisco and in Fresno.
  3. $38,519 for california residents, $50,764 out of state tuition fees.
  4. phd programs, masters program, profetional doctorates, certificate programs
  5. specialization- health

7. I would attend here because it is not too far away. If it is really far then i might not go. i want to go to a college that is close and not to far away.

Friday, October 20, 2017

freelance (thoughts)

I know nothing of the current events. i want to take a nap. I don't know what to write.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Six rules to make people like you

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people

people will be more likely to be friends if you actually show that you want to be friends but some people are so good at making friends they don't even realize it. you shouldn't ask people anything personal but ask them things that you know they would like to answer. you can only be someones friend if you truly know them which can take time depending on you.

Rule 2: smile

what you do affects how people see you so you should always be happy because more people go to the person that is happy to be friends with. when you smile everyone else will want to smile and making others happy will give you a better chance at making friends and keeping them.

Rule 3: Remember names

to be someones friend you should take the time to learn their name. I have a hard time remembering names but i always remember my friends names. when you can actually remember their name then you can consider them a friend. it is always better to know everyone's name because it can be offensive if you call them the wrong name.

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

if you want to be friends with someone then you must listen to what they have to say or you wont be a good friend. people usually care more about their own problems but if you just listen to their problem they are more likely to be friends because you are a good listener. when you listen to others problems you make them happy because maybe nobody will listen to them.

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other mans interests 
when you talk about what someone else likes they think you have a common thing in like which makes them more likely to be friends. when they hear what they want to hear they will be more willing to listen to someone else and eventually become friends with them.

Rule 6:  Make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely
everyone wants to feel important so people who you treat important will be more likely to be friends with you. If you don't care about someone then in turn they start to not like you or even the other way around. when you don't do it sincerely they might think you are joking and they will stay away because you don't take things serious.

All of these rules can help a lot if you want to make friends and if you don't you can do the opposite of what they say. if you follow these rules you are more likely to meet good friends, but you can still make friends even if you don't follow these rules. being a good friend is important because others see you are and feel that you would be a good friend.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The six attitudes of high achievers:John R. Noe

1.Make no small plans: Plan Big

making a plan to help is good but making a big plan could help even more. If you plan a small party less people would go. If you plan a big party then more people would be there. planing small for anything is ok, but making a more thorough plan helps more in the long run. when you plan things out you get a better outcome then if you don't. If you plan big even better things could happen. some times planing big means you will take longer but it is better to plan things out fully.

2.Do what they fear

everyone has fears that hold them back when they do certain things. One thing they can do to conquer those fears is to do what they fear. by exposing yourself to what you fear you start to become less and less afraid of that. being afraid of everything will only cause you to lose hope and you need hope to accomplish your goals fear only slows you from completing them. some people fear change but sometimes change isn't a bad thing it can lead to a better outcome that helps you in the long run.

3.willing to prepare

Being prepared is always important, you are more likely to succeed if you prepare in advance. in games like chess you must plan your next move ahead of time so you have a plan for wining. If you never prepare then you will have less of a chance to succeed at what you are doing. if you are not willing to prepare then what do you plan to do when you have to do something difficult that you needed to prepare for.

4. Willing to risk failure

no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. It is not a bad thing to fail because a lot of learning can come out of failures. when you do something their is always a risk of failure even if it is really small it is still there. the people who are willing to risk failure will accomplish more because they know they can fail but they wont let that stop then from trying.

5. Teachable

How i see it everone is teachable to an extent but to be teached you have to want to be. If someone teaches you and you didnt want to learn about that you probably didnt learn anything. If you choose to learn then you will learn a lot more than if you didnt want to learn. Its all about wanting to learn, you cant be taught unless you choose to be taught like a student. if they are lazy and dont want to learn then they wont learn.

6.Have Heart

To have heart you must be kind to others and help people in need. A example would be helping someone without wanting something in return. help others in need that are stuggling and ask them to pass it to another person.

Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11 attack

Today is 9/11 of 2017, today people remember what happened six teen years ago. there were four planes that were hijacked two of which crased into the twin towers, the third at the pentagon, and the fourth in a field in Pennsylvania.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Freelance post

I am a student that has come back to school because summer vacation has ended. I am looking forward to new things that i learn in this new year of school. I am also looking forward to the new teachers that i will have that i have not meet from my school. I couldn't think of many things to write about.

The 9 Ways

9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley

1. Be Grateful

Being grateful can be expressed in many different ways a very known way is to just say thank you to some one that has helped you do something without being asked to or even if they were asked. An example of being grateful would be telling someone thank you or if you want to go even further returning the favor by helping them in some way. you should be grateful for every good thing that happens because something bad could have happened instead. Helping someone that is in need is something everyone should do and them being grateful is only a bonus because you did it without expecting anything in return. you should be grateful for everything in your life because their are always less fortunate people in the world. When i think about it i also need to be more grateful for the things that i have and the opportunities that i have.

Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given.Be careful.
John Wooden

2.Be smart

Being smart means you know that you are better at making hard decisions and everyone knows certain thing but smart people know even more. Someone smart knows when to do something and when they should wait for the perfect moment. I wouldn't consider myself to be that smart but others say i am but i am just not motivated. common sense is something everyone should have but some people forget about it and make mistakes. Even if you consider yourself smart you should always continue to stay educated. One way to be smart is to be educated by going to school and furthering your education even further by eventually going to college and getting a degree. If you are smart you will make right decisions and strive to only make right decisions.

3.Be Involved

 An example of someone who is involved is someone who would do community service every once in a while without being told to do it. You can be involved in places like a library and help out there so that you can make the librarian's job easier on them. Even just doing small things to help is enough like participating in a street clean up around were you live. Any way you think that you can be involved is enough as long as you are helping someone that includes the earth its self. Being involved is a reward in its own way because you are helping out and inspiring others to follow your example.

4.Be Clean

When i think being clean the first thing that comes to mind is bathing but that cant be the only thing. another thing that it can mean is clean language by not using any bad words at all. cleaning your own work space is a good way to get all your work done faster and organized. keeping the environment clean is apart of our job as human beings.
5.Be True
Be true to yourself and don't lie to others. When you lie you only make things worse but if you tell the truth you will be known for that and have a good reputation. sometimes people don't even realize when they are lying to themselves and once they do they need to correct that and learn from it. Not everyone is perfect and we all make mistakes but we must learn from those mistakes and never make them again. lying is still lying no matter what someone says or denies.

6.Be Positive

Being positive is a good way to accomplish any goal that you have. Having a positive outlook on things is a very good thing to have because looking at the good side to things means you always stay positive. When you are positive you have more friends because people are more likely to be around some one who is positive. if you always think you will fail then failing can be the only outcome, but if you think positive you are more likely to succeed. It is best to always have a positive outlook on things to see all you can accomplish rather than all you could fail.

7.Be Humble

Being humble means you are respectful no matter who you are or of what class you are. I dont know much of what humble means but i do know that it has something to do with respecting others that are not as fortunate as you are. not everyone is the same as you some of them are better at things and some worse. when you fail you realize more about what being humble is because learning from your failure is what makes you humble and more smart. humble people know what is right and know to show respect to others even if no one else will. 

8.Be still

to be still means that you don't listen to others negativity and you are unaffected by any negativity. i am not exactly sure what being still actually means. i feel like it has something to do with being immune to negativity.

9.Be Prayerful

most people don't do all nine goals but you can still accomplish things even if you don't do all of the nine ways. As long as you do the majority you can still accomplish a lot. no one is perfect so you should know your limits and give your 100% for everthing you do.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Summer Break

During my summer break i did a couple of things but for most of my break I was at summer school retaking one class that I didn't pass before. For my break i did go to six flags hurricane harbor with my family to celebrate my sisters birthday. most of my time was spent at home because i like to stay at home whenever i have a break from school and just play video games or watch TV. Even when i have free time i dont usualy do that much like during vacation i slept in a lot and didn't wake up until twelve o clock. 

I was hoping to have a long vacation but my vacation was shortened because i decided not to pass one of my classes which is only my fault but at least i did pass the summer school class so i wont have to take the class again. As i said before i did go to hurricane harbor and went on multiple water slides there because i have a year pass that ends at the end of this year so i have to go whenever i have the time while the pass still works. I havent been to six flags in a while and the weather was hot so we all decided to go and have fun during the last days of our vacation.