Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The six attitudes of high achievers:John R. Noe

1.Make no small plans: Plan Big

making a plan to help is good but making a big plan could help even more. If you plan a small party less people would go. If you plan a big party then more people would be there. planing small for anything is ok, but making a more thorough plan helps more in the long run. when you plan things out you get a better outcome then if you don't. If you plan big even better things could happen. some times planing big means you will take longer but it is better to plan things out fully.

2.Do what they fear

everyone has fears that hold them back when they do certain things. One thing they can do to conquer those fears is to do what they fear. by exposing yourself to what you fear you start to become less and less afraid of that. being afraid of everything will only cause you to lose hope and you need hope to accomplish your goals fear only slows you from completing them. some people fear change but sometimes change isn't a bad thing it can lead to a better outcome that helps you in the long run.

3.willing to prepare

Being prepared is always important, you are more likely to succeed if you prepare in advance. in games like chess you must plan your next move ahead of time so you have a plan for wining. If you never prepare then you will have less of a chance to succeed at what you are doing. if you are not willing to prepare then what do you plan to do when you have to do something difficult that you needed to prepare for.

4. Willing to risk failure

no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. It is not a bad thing to fail because a lot of learning can come out of failures. when you do something their is always a risk of failure even if it is really small it is still there. the people who are willing to risk failure will accomplish more because they know they can fail but they wont let that stop then from trying.

5. Teachable

How i see it everone is teachable to an extent but to be teached you have to want to be. If someone teaches you and you didnt want to learn about that you probably didnt learn anything. If you choose to learn then you will learn a lot more than if you didnt want to learn. Its all about wanting to learn, you cant be taught unless you choose to be taught like a student. if they are lazy and dont want to learn then they wont learn.

6.Have Heart

To have heart you must be kind to others and help people in need. A example would be helping someone without wanting something in return. help others in need that are stuggling and ask them to pass it to another person.

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